This refers to the control of common household pests such as cockroaches and ants, flies and mosquitoes and rodents. We offer our clients an Integrated Pest Management Program that is customized according to your unique needs.
Our Integrated Pest Management services include the following:
We have a variety of rodent control measures, and use those that are best suited to our client’s circumstances. These measures include rodenticides (acute and chronic), adhesive traps, PVC pipe traps and cage traps.
Is done through residual spraying using general or targeted insecticides, or through the application of gel and granular baits
In addition to the more common space spraying procedures (“misting” and “fogging”) for adult female mosquitoes, we also do ornamental spraying for adult male mosquitoes and larvicide application for mosquito larvae.
We have specialized services for other pests such as bedbugs (“surot”), wasps and bees, and the like.